Fabulous Fall Is Always Inspiring!

I don't know about any of you, but I absolutely love fall (except the "go back to school" stuff)!  The colors are so gorgeous and ever-changing.  The weather (in the PNW) is usually warm during the day but crisp & cool at night, with occasional rain and often there is lovely fog in the mornings.  Best of all... it means we are zipping on to my favorite marathon of decorating!!  First Halloween, followed closely by fall/Thanksgiving decor, then BOOM... on to Christmas and the winter holidays.  Time flies so fast and if you have to work at a muggle job (like I do), it seems to fly even faster!  But some of my absolute favorite family traditions and memories happen every year during this time.  

During Autumn, I also seem to find myself motivated to try new techniques, to experiment, to start thinking about next steps.  I know many do this in the spring-time, and I do too... but for me Fall is a renewing of energies (I think it's because I find summer too hot and hard to do anything).  

A few of the Re-FEM sculptures that need final resin coats

Right now I'm still finishing up a plethora of Re-FEM™© sculptures (many of which were finished in time for the Sammamish Arts Fair (which was a blast, by the way!).   But I'm just bristling with new ideas to try as well as new fabrics to test with resin.  

Some of the lovely sample tiles/stones which
 will become bases for some of my sculptures
I just attended a Zero Landfill event (where local Interior Designers bring all their leftover samples and materials to let artists pick through and use).  I found some lovely tile/stone samples - which I'm probably going to use as bases for my sculptures.  

Fabric samples which will be a lot of fun to    
experiment upon!
I also found some incredible fabric samples (most of 
which I gave to other fiber artists, but some I kept for playing with resin!).  

I hope this fall brings delightful color, warm memories, and peace-filled encounters to you!




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