Fall Energy

A neighborhood park (love the rainbow in the background!)
I know I've already talked about this in the previous post, but I really do find the fall to be an inspirational time for me.  Many artists I know, tend to be most creative in the springtime - and I too, find the spring exhilarating!  But, I also find fall to be incredibly inspiring and energizing.  Part of the reason I love the season is the marvelous color changes that occur.  I live in the PNW and while it's not the fall of the east coast, it's still pretty darned spectacular (and I can't stop taking pictures!!)!  

I also love the fact that fall is the harbinger of the holiday seasons (which is pretty much my favorite time of year because I love decorating for Thanksgiving and then again for Christmas.  Plus I love all the traditions that the holiday seasons bring!).  Perhaps it's a combination of those things that motivates me to look around at the unfinished art projects and want-to-do lists.  Or perhaps there is energy in the changing of the seasons.   No matter what the underlying motivation really is , I often find myself longing to take classes, to experiment, and to try new ideas and techniques.  But, most of all I find myself wanting to just sit down and play with art in any form I can get my hands on!   It is somewhat ironic, that this time of year also tends to be when my free time becomes increasingly limited so I find myself torn between my artist desires and my personal & familial needs. 

A partially-finished, fun experiment in weaving on sticks
This weaving is my latest experiment and so far, I'm loving the direction it's going!!   For some reason the different textures are really calling to me.  Now I just need to figure out what to do with the middle.  I tried out a dream-catcher type of weaving there - and it was enough to make a cat laugh.  darn.  I can't wait to see what the end result will be.  This won't be getting resined - but just the process of weaving it has me inspired to try resining some woven pieces.  Hmmm... so many options!!

Do you find yourself in the same situation as me in the fall? --- Longing to learn, experiment, and create but with limited time to do so?

Or are you going into the fall hibernation mode where it's time to hunker down  and snuggle up with a blanket and a mug of tea?  (I do end up in the hibernation mode - but usually it's when the holidays are over).  Whatever cycle of artistic or personal delight you find yourself in, I wish you well in all of your endeavors!

Have a most-pleasant fall!


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