Tu-lips Are Better Than One (except there are 3)

So the pun is horrible - sorry, but I couldn't resist (ha ha - resist... a play on words itself, if you're a silk painter).  OK enough of that!

12"x12" reclaimed silk, mounted on canvas with acrylic matte medium
Anyways... thought I'd share a fun piece I just finished mounting.  I called it Stained Glass Tulips Demoplay because it is the same design as my Stained Glass Tulips, but I used it as a demo piece and let other people (mostly non-artists) play with it (hence the demoplay name).  

The style isn't something that I would normally do, but I kind of like the watercolor look it has!  Plus the fact that at one time it was a pocket (albeit a BIG one) is kind of cool.  I did have to cut the bottom hem off because the piece would not fit onto the canvas otherwise. 

My daughter informs me that all of my artwork names are dumb and that, while she loves my artwork, she is ashamed of the names.   sigh.  SO, stay tuned!  I may have some VERY interesting names for the new pieces I'm working on (and apparently for some of the finished pieces as well).  Although I do have veto power - somehow I maintained that when I gave up control of my naming rights to a 13 year old (HOW DID THAT HAPPEN??).   

Maybe I'll call it A Pocket Full Of Tulips  ??  Perhaps that will pass the 13 year-old's test!

8/26/15 update
The 13 year old, said that A Pocket Full of Tulips was "acceptable"... so that's the name I'm going with (whew!). 


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