
Time For Renewed Energy

Small Mixed Media Pieces Well it's been quite a while since I have been able to look at my blog/website or really think about the      business of selling and teaching art.  Between big life changes and the Covid-19 nightmare, it has been a challenge to find the time and energy needed to create the art I want to.   My apologies to anyone whom came looking for current information and didn't find it!!   However, I am pleased to finally have the motivation to get moving again art-wise!  If you come back here occasionally, I hope you will find this site being updated and changed!!   Mixed Media Journals From Reclaimed Fibers As for me and my art, I've spent the last year or so (when not working at my muggle job), spending a great deal of time learning about Mixed Media and I have to say - I am IN LOVE!  I really enjoy the amazing freedom that Mixed Media allows me!  I get to be silly, funny, sad, and exploratory etc.  Bu...

Our Place In This World

Are you like me and have felt that the last year has been filled with incredibly negative and divisive talk around the country?  I have been hearing more and more people talking about feeling alienated, ostracized, or marginalized.    To me, it is heartbreaking to hear that many smaller community groups (such as Elderly, Muslims, LGBTQ, Veterans, Disabled, Mexicans, Youth, etc), all have community members who feel unloved, unwelcome, unwanted, and un-needed!   In response to this rising wave of alienation, I've started the Our Place In This World community art project.  Our Place In This World  seeks to demonstrate the importance, beauty, and impact of each individual (especially those from marginalized or fringe communities), within the overall/larger community.  Everyone should know that they are beautiful, important, and hold a valued place within the larger community.  I've started a separate blog:   https://ourplaceinthisw...

Art Show "Please Touch" is Opening at the A/NT Gallery at the Seattle Center!

I'm thrilled to be a part of the Please Touch show which opened October 13, 2017 at the Mount Baker Neighborhood Center for the Arts (see MBNCA's Facebook page for more information ) !    The show is moving to the A/NT Gallery 's Center Gallery and will open this coming Saturday, November 4th.  The reception will be from 6-9pm.   This show is special because all of the pieces were submitted with the specific purpose of being able to touch them (hence the name).  It is a rare opportunity to be invited to feel (and even hold some) gallery artwork! Welcome being passed around at the MBNCA opening reception. I have two Re-FEM (Resinous Fibers Emergent Method©™) Sculptures which were juried in.  Both pieces of artwork are created from reclaimed silk.    The first sculpture is Welcome.  Welcome  is a 3-dimensional floral piece created from reclaimed silk, silk dyes, and resin with touches of gold leafing applied to the edg...

Fall Energy

A neighborhood park (love the rainbow in the background!) I know I've already talked about this in the previous post, but I really do find the fall to be an inspirational time for me.  Many artists I know, tend to be most creative in the springtime - and I too, find the spring exhilarating!  But, I also find fall to be incredibly inspiring and energizing.  Part of the reason I love the season is the marvelous color changes that occur.  I live in the PNW and while it's not the fall of the east coast, it's still pretty darned spectacular (and I can't stop taking pictures!!)!   I also love the fact that fall is the harbinger of the holiday seasons (which is pretty much my favorite time of year because I love decorating for Thanksgiving and then again for Christmas.  Plus I love all the traditions that the holiday seasons bring!).  Perhaps it's a combination of those things that motivates me to look around at the unfinished art projects and wan...

Fabulous Fall Is Always Inspiring!

I don't know about any of you, but I absolutely love fall (except the "go back to school" stuff)!  The colors are so gorgeous and ever-changing.  The weather (in the PNW) is usually warm during the day but crisp & cool at night, with occasional rain and often there is lovely fog in the mornings.  Best of all... it means we are zipping on to my favorite marathon of decorating!!  First Halloween, followed closely by fall/Thanksgiving decor, then BOOM... on to Christmas and the winter holidays.  Time flies so fast and if you have to work at a muggle job (like I do), it seems to fly even faster!  But some of my absolute favorite family traditions and memories happen every year during this time.   During Autumn, I also seem to find myself motivated to try new techniques, to experiment, to start thinking about next steps.  I know many do this in the spring-time, and I do too... but for me Fall is a renewing of energies (I think it's because I fin...

My 2017 Sammamish Arts Fair Video

Those of us participating in the Sammamish Arts Fair 2017 (held on September 23rd and 24th from 10am-5pm in the Sammamish City Hall), were asked to create a short video about ourselves. I did make a video - but I did it without help and on my cellphone (so let's just say the quality could be better! lol!!).  I've added the video via my Youtube channel where I've posted it (as it is apparently too big to post directly to Blogger). Enjoy! Rebecca

Sammamish Arts Fair 2017 Is Arriving Soon!

Hello!  I'm guessing that I've been so busy that I've forgotten to announce that I am going to be a part of the 2017 Sammamish Arts Fair which is being held on September 23rd & 24th 2017 (and yes, looking back through my posts, I see that I did indeed overlook posting about this).  A few pieces of fabric/fibers destined to become Re-FEM sculptures As you can imagine, I am busy creating art to show and sell, plus I'm trying to figure out how I want to display my art in the space I'll have.   The Sammamish Arts Fair will be open on both days from 10am to 5pm.  It is being held in the lovely space that is the Sammamish City Hall (801 228th Ave. SE, Sammamish, WA 98075).   Sammamish Arts Fair Promotional Card (That's my piece on the bottom-right) As in the past years, there will be a variety of fine artworks including sculpture, wall art, jewelry, and even some wearable art pieces.   It is an honor to be selected to partic...